Effective Date | City Council approved the regulations below on July 27, 2018 with subsequent updates approved on May 23, 2019; June 25, 2019; and November 19, 2019. | On December 17, 2019, City Council approved the following changes, effective immediately upon their vote on Dec. 17, 2019. |
Zoning District | ADUs are allowed: • In R-1, R-2, and R-M zoning districts on lots that have one single-family residence. • In Planned Development (PD) districts that are subject to R-1 standards and uses OR where ADUs are not expressly prohibited. • In a low-density cluster development if it conforms to development standards of the R-1 zoning district, and the development and use standards of the low-density cluster permit. | ADUs are allowed: • In R-1, R-2, and R-M zoning districts on lots that have one single-family residence. • On lots with a single-family residence In Planned Development (PD) districts that are subject to R-1 standards and uses OR the ADU conforms to the development and use standards of the PD district. • On any lot with an existing single-family dwelling unit, where regardless of zoning, the lot has any of the following General Plan Land Use/Transportation designations: - Residential Neighborhood - Mixed-Use Neighborhood - Urban Village or Urban Residential - Transit Residential or Rural Residential - Downtown - Mixed-Use Commercial • On two-family (duplex) lots and on multifamily properties • In a low-density cluster development if it conforms to development standards of the R-1 zoning district, and the development and use standards of the low-density cluster permit. |
Minimum Lot Size | 3,000 square feet | No minimum lot size |
Minimum Setbacks from Rear and Side Property Lines | 0 feet for 1-story conversions and new construction.
5 feet for second-story ADUs constructed above a garage or accessory structure. | 0 feet for 1-story conversions and new construction.
4 feet for second-story ADUs constructed above a garage or accessory structure
4 feet minimum rear and side setbacks required for detached ADU in multifamily developments. |
Maximum Height | For detached ADUs: Single story – 18 feet maximum Second story – 24 feet maximum
Attached ADUs are subject to the height limits of the main home. | Single-family properties - No change in height requirements. Multifamily properties - 16 feet maximum height for detached ADUs. |
Rear Yard Coverage | Area covered by the ADU, accessory buildings, and accessory structures, except pools, shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the rear yard. | Area covered shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the rear yard or up to 800 square feet, whichever is greater. |
Detached ADU Allowed Locations | Rear yard only, at least 6 feet away from primary dwelling. May be attached to a detached garage or other existing accessory structure. Must meet minimum setbacks for an accessory building in accordance with Section 20.30.500. | No changes except that ADUs that exceed forty percent (40%) of the rear yard must maintain minimum 4 foot side and rear setbacks. One-foot overhang for eaves would be allowed. |
ADU Size (in sf) | Lot Size (sf) | ADU Maximum Size (sf) |
3,000 - 5,444 | 600 | 5,445 - 9,000 | 700 | 9,001 - 10,000 | 800 | 10,001 - Up | 900 |
| Lot Size (sf) | ADU Maximum Size (sf) |
Up to 9000 | 1,000 | 9,000 and greater
| 1,200
Number of Bedrooms and Bathrooms | Two bedrooms allowed on lots with an area greater than 9,000 square feet, and only one bathroom. | Up to two bedrooms and two bathrooms allowed for all units. |
Attached ADU Maximum Floor Area | May not exceed 50% of the existing or proposed primary dwelling living area. | May not exceed 50% of the existing or proposed primary dwelling living area or 800 square feet, whichever is greater. |
Design Standards | Visual compatibility with existing primary dwelling is required. | No design standards, except new simplified standards for attached ADU units for historic buildings listed in the Historic Resources Inventory. |
Parking requirements | An ADU requires 1 space unless the property qualifies for an exemption under State law—see the parking requirements.
If a garage has been converted, the main dwelling parking space must be replaced, as uncovered or in front or side setback areas. Parking spaces may be configured on-site per state law. | No change in parking requirements for the ADU.
Replacement parking for garages and carports converted to ADUs will not be required. |
Junior ADU (JADU) | Not allowed. | Allow JADU up to 500 square feet within the existing walls of a single-family home. Must include at least an efficiency kitchen. May share a bathroom with the primary unit. Owner-occupancy and deed restriction will be required, subject to State law regulations. |